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Case Digest on Glacier Northwest, Inc., dba CalPortland v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174

Case Digest on Glacier Northwest, Inc., dba CalPortland v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174
The case examines the legal boundaries of labor actions and their impact on employer property, focusing on a dispute between Glacier Northwest, a concrete delivery company, and the Teamsters Union. The core legal principle involves balancing the rights of labor unions to strike with the obligation to prevent harm to the employer's property.


Glacier Northwest, Inc., dba CalPortland v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174 delves into a conflict arising from a labor strike, where the central issue pertains to the legality of union actions that potentially cause damage to the employer's property—in this case, concrete spoilage.

Facts of the Case:

Glacier Northwest delivers concrete in Washington State using trucks with rotating drums that keep the concrete from hardening. During a labor dispute, unionized drivers walked off the job as part of a strike, leaving the trucks filled with concrete, which risks hardening and causing significant property damage.

Issue of the Case:

The Supreme Court is asked to determine the legal responsibilities of labor unions during a strike, specifically whether the union's conduct in leaving trucks filled with concrete constitutes an unprotected action due to the deliberate risk of property damage.

Ruling of the Case:

The Court's decision will address the legal framework surrounding labor strikes, particularly the extent to which unions must avoid causing harm to the employer's property while exercising the right to strike.

This ruling has implications for labor law, the rights of workers and unions, and the protections afforded to employers' property. It will influence future labor disputes, potentially affecting the strategies of both unions and employers during negotiations and strikes.


Glacier Northwest, Inc., dba CalPortland v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local Union No. 174 presents a significant examination of labor rights and employer protections. The Supreme Court's decision will contribute to defining the legal contours of strike actions and their impact on employer property, with wide-reaching consequences for labor relations in the United States.